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Together we are facing one of the greatest challenges in the history of our planet. Without change, many plant and animal species will become extinct at a rapid pace. The biggest threat? That’s us: humans. But we can also turn the tide. We are 'the animal' that can make a positive difference.

The loss of nature must stop, and this is a task for all of us. At Diergaarde Blijdorp we take responsibility for this.


As part of the global network of the IUCN Species Survival Commission, Blijdorp is at the forefront of efforts to conserve biodiversity. Our work for animals, plants and nature conservation has saved dozens of species from extinction.

Our goal is to join forces to save 10 more species from the red list.

How you can help

By focusing on broad involvement and education, we ensure that everyone becomes more aware of endangered and irreplaceable nature. We invite everyone to come face to face with rare animals, in the middle of a green oasis where flora is at its most beautiful. This way you experience nature from far away, upclose. You discover the wonders of nature, to better understand, respect and protect them. After a visit to our zoo you realize the urgency to take action. It doesn't stop there: you will receive practical tools to make a positive difference.

Whether it concerns partnerships, school projects or ‘greenifying’ your own street or garden... together we bring nature back to life. In ourselves and around us.

These partners already work with us:


At Blijdorp Zoo you come face to face with all the beauty that nature worldwide has to offer. Meet the little pandas in the Himalayas, and in Africa you will experience the giraffes and zebras on the savannah.

Book your tickets now
Welcome to Diergaarde Blijdorp
We are opened from 09:00 - 17:00