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Our mission is simple yet powerful. Our planet is facing serious ecological challenges, and we feel a duty to help reverse the tide. Preserving biodiversity, restoring ecosystems, and promoting sustainability are at the heart of our endeavours.

The generation born today will inherit the world we shape together in 2100. It is our responsibility to take action now for nature and biodiversity so that our children and grandchildren can enjoy a healthy and balanced planet.

It is crucial that we are aware of our impact on the Earth and its precious ecosystems. We are passionate about conveying our deep love for nature because we want to protect what we love.

Everything you see here exists for a reason. Throughout our 166-year history, we've built up a great deal of expertise. In those same 166 years, nature has faced increasing challenges. Preventing the loss of biodiversity is a task for all of us. We take our responsibility in this seriously. We believe that, with our expertise, we are more relevant than ever. How do we see that precisely? We'll explain it to you. Will you make a difference with us? We invite you to understand our approach.


Diergaarde Blijdorp takes the lead in inspiring and activating people to actively conserve species and restore nature. We believe that species conservation and nature restoration go hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other, and that's why they form our strategy together. Our focus is on making a measurable impact based on our guiding principles. We collaborate with other parties that are willing and able to contribute. The zoo supports various conservation projects and, when necessary, initiates its own projects to restore nature, whether near or far. Of course, always in consultation and collaboration with local stakeholders and communities.

Why these 10 species? For some animals, we have been the coordinator of the European or international population management program for years. In this role, we ensure a healthy population of the species in gardens like Diergaarde Blijdorp. In many cases, these populations serve as a backup when the wild population has become extinct or when populations need to be strengthened. From this coordinating role, we have built a large network and gained a lot of knowledge about these species. For others, we have been leaders in research for many years. Last but not least, for some of these species, we are one of the few in the world that keep them. This also means that we are one of the few knowledge holders. Therefore, we can be of great value. We have the opportunity to make an impact not only in Europe but also worldwide.


Our TENs all live in a specific area. Natural areas, to be precise, which unfortunately are facing significant challenges. Each of them in their own way. Nature restoration in these areas is essential to truly ensure the future of our TEN. Our impact areas bring everything together. Areas in which one or more species are always central and where we can show and experience their beauty and strength, but also how we work on restoration. And... what every person and organization can do.

Our zoo embraces six essential pillars that run as a common thread throughout our organization. These six pillars reflect our dedication to creating a unique and meaningful experience for our visitors and contribute to a more sustainable world.


Naturally, Diergaarde Blijdorp doesn't do this alone. Blijdorp is in close contact with European zoos to continue following Population Management Programs. Additionally, we collaborate globally with local organizations on a worldwide scale, such as the Red Panda Network from Nepal.

Welcome to Diergaarde Blijdorp
We are opened from 09:00 - 17:00