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It had been anticipated for a while, but it has finally happened. Diergaarde Blijdorp has a new tiger. Last Friday, the Rotterdam zoo welcomed the first of two Sumatran tigers. Male tiger Geram arrived from the Aalborg Zoo in Denmark. Soon, a female tiger from France will join him. Once together, it is hoped that the animals will get along and eventually contribute to the critically endangered species’ population.

The tigers have been assigned to Diergaarde Blijdorp on the recommendation of the European Endangered Species Programme (EEP). Following recent modifications to the tiger enclosure, which was originally donated by the Friends of Blijdorp, Diergaarde Blijdorp is now ready to house the two critically endangered predators. The male tiger, who arrived last Friday, was immediately placed in his renovated enclosure.


Geram is a 5-year-old, perfectly healthy Sumatran tiger. There are only about 350 of this species left in the wild. Zoos worldwide are making every effort to preserve this majestic animal for future generations and to build a healthy (reserve) population. Diergaarde Blijdorp coordinates the European breeding program for the Asian lion and is delighted to welcome another large feline species.


While the male tiger is adjusting to his new environment, Diergaarde Blijdorp is busy preparing for the arrival of the female tiger. She is expected to arrive from a French zoo before the summer.

The two tigers will be given ample time to get used to each other and their new surroundings. When the time is right, the male and female will be introduced to each other. From that moment on, they will be able to use both the indoor and outdoor enclosures together. The ultimate goal is to have offspring in the (near) future.

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