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Will, legacy or inheritance.

Would you like to make a lasting contribution to Diergaarde Blijdorp? Not only during your lifetime, but also when you are no longer here? Then you can choose to include a gift to Diergaarde Blijdorp in your will.

1. Bequest

You can also make us a beneficiary in your will. This grants us the right to your inheritance. It is possible to include multiple individuals or charitable organizations in your will. In the case of a bequest, the inheritance will be divided.

2. Legacy

A legacy is a fixed amount or tangible asset. You can include multiple legacies in your will.

Tax on an inheritance?

When someone inherits something, it is typically subject to taxation, known as inheritance tax. Charitable organizations (with ANBI status, like Diergaarde Blijdorp) do not have to pay inheritance tax on a share of an inheritance or a legacy. This allows charitable organizations to use their portion of inheritance for one hundred percent towards their mission.


Leaving a legacy is a significant decision. We understand that you want to be well-informed in making this choice. For personal advice or more information on leaving a legacy, you can contact Natasja Schipper. You can reach Natasja at:

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